Namaste and g’day
Would you like to go to yoga today?
No thanks I would not
No yoga today I’m far too hot
Would you do yoga at home or in the car?
A breath here and there can really go far
I’m in pain and I just can’t bend
Sometimes I think yoga is only a trend
Yoga calms the mind and helps you de-stress
It even helps you to worry much less
Namaste and g’day
I really don’t feel like yoga today
I’m stuck at work in a meeting
And all my mind has taken a beating
I’m too old and too stiff, lacking sleep, got the flu
I know all these excuses won’t affect you
Ah I see, but don’t you know
That yoga gives you a healthy glow
It helps you slow down and breathe and relax
It gives you permission to respond not react
Pranayama, asana, nidra and oms
Grab your mat, turn up and just belong
Yes thank you I know but not today
The kids are at home and my husband’s away
It’s too late, it’s too early, I don’t have a car
I’m anxious and stressed and feeling under par
Would you could you do yoga with us?
Lots of peace, balance and no fuss
No twisting no bending no breathing no oms
Not today not tomorrow no yoga no thanks
Okay if you let me be I’ll try yoga you will see
Say I do like to breathe and twist and bend
My heart feels lighter, it’s not really a trend
My spine is stronger, my mind is free
The light in you greets the light in me
It’s lifting my mood and my attitude is changing
My friends are all here and I feel amazing
So I will do yoga day and night
I will do locust feel stronger in flight
Downward dog, mountain, shivasana let go
It’s all about taking it mindfully slow
My breath is centred I just want more
But Kendra reminds me to release down to the floor
I’m still I’m awake I’m feeling aligned
Namaste I love yoga now I’m alive
I so love yoga
At home and away
I do love yoga