Accessible sliding scale fees.
Enrolment fees are sliding scale as I value accessibility. You are invited to reflect on your access to resources.
You can choose from the following;
Supported (regular price) $35 per class inc GST
Supporter (paying extra to support another) $40 per class inc GST
Concession (Concession includes Pensioner Concession Card, Low Income CC, Health CC, Ex Carer Allowance HCC, Commonwealth Seniors HC and NDIS ) $30 per class inc GST
and by Donation (any amount able to pay). $50 per term
You will not be turned away if struggling financially.
All classes will be live-streamed and some available in the on demand via Practice Portal. On-demand class library recordings are offered freely for 31 days to allow any catch-ups. Casual attendance is only offered upon application.
Our yoga program follows season changes, and term payments follow school terms.
Payments also can be made directly via bank transfer to
Kendra Boone BSB 313140 Account No. 12428098
Please send Kendra a copy of the transfer
Casual attendance is not encouraged unless requested for special circumstances.
Initial Wellbeing Consultation $150
Private Yoga Therapy $140 per hour
NDIS $120 per hour
Self Care Package (3 one hour) $370
Nurturing Mental Health Package $660