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“there are loving (sattvic) qualities in nature in the early morning that can bring peace of mind and freshness to the doors of perception.” Dr Vasant Lad

These videos are to assist my existing clients understand different perspectives in embodied health. 


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Brahma Mudra: healing the neck while balancing our perspective
ISCM of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

Brahma Mudra: healing the neck while balancing our perspective

Brahma Mudra is a gesture of the head and neck and is an excellent practice for one and all. Take up any comfortable sitting position such as Vajrasana with your spine as erect as possible. Rest your hands on your lap while performing the Yoga Mudra. Close your eyes and concentrate on this valuable practice that combines the use of physical movement synchronized with deep breathing and the usage of Nada or vibrational sounds involving utterance of the Bija sounds of AAA, UUU, EEE and MMM. Breathe in and turn your head towards the right 1-2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out while bringing your head back to the central position and make the guttural sound AAA. Slowly turn your head to the left while breathing in 1-2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out and bring your head back to the central position making the labial sound UUU. Slowly lift your chin up as if attempting to look at the sky and breathe in 1-2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out and make the palatal sound EEE while bringing your head back to the central position. Finally lower your head bringing chin to chest while breathing in 1-2-3-4-5-6. Breathe out and make the labial sound MMM while bringing the head back to the central position. Perform a minimum of 3 to 9 rounds of this practice at each sitting. Brahma Mudra is an excellent practice to prevent as well as relieve disorders of the cervical spine that are so common in this modern day and age. It is important to concentrate on the area of the neck to be relieved, repaired, or rejuvenated while sounding the Bija Mantras.

KHA is grateful to live, create and learn on the sacred lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people and acknowledges that sovereignty has never been ceded. KHA is committed to solidarity and support of the right relationship with this land and the leadership of its traditional custodians.

© 2025 by Kendra Healing Arts

Kendra Boone
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